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Installation of furniture fasteners on the Flatma

The Flatma furniture constructor includes an automatic fastener installation feature. However, fasteners can only be installed on panel components. You cannot install fasteners on a component that is not connected to any other components.

The constructor interface specifies the edges of the panel component: left, right, bottom, and top, relative to the component's view. The color label indicates the sides of the component.


When selecting the required fastener, the program automatically identifies the connected elements and installs the specified fastener. For the fastener to be installed, there must be a condition for the connection of components, meaning the elements must be properly aligned with each other. If the fastener does not appear, it means there are some restrictions, such as components not connecting or intersecting.

The distance between fasteners is calculated automatically and set according to the standard furniture distance—at a 32 mm pitch. In the current version of the constructor, you cannot adjust the gaps between fasteners, so you need to consider their placement to avoid interference with the use of the furniture. For example, fasteners might overlap, making installation difficult, or a door hinge might interfere with a shelf.

When moving objects, their fasteners temporarily disappear. If they do not reappear, it means there is a geometric issue with the furniture, and you need to check and correct it.

Due to the complexity of automatic drawing generation, make sure to verify the accuracy of all drawings before manufacturing the furniture.
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